Ken Thomson, a former close protection client of mine, and the ninth richest man in the world has passed away.
Never have I met a more humble and gracious person. There was not an ounce of pretention in the man. When I first met him I said "Hello Mr Thomson" as I stood outside his home, holding open the rear door to the limosine.
"Call me Ken" he said casually, then asked "is it all right if I just ride upfront with you?".
That's the way he was, he would ask me to stop so he could roll down the window and ask the kids in the neighborhood how they were doing and what was new. He knew their names and what they were up to.
He was and excellent steward of his companies, there was not a detail that would slip past him, but he never micromanaged or interfered with someone doing their job, but he did want people who knew their job working for him.
There are lots of stories I could tell - all of them good by the way. He will be missed.
I have a feeling he is on his way up to heaven, going past the pearly gates, finding a quiet side door, slipping in, and when they see him they will say, "welcome Mr Thomson" and he will say, "Just call me Ken."
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