Today marks the anniversary for 911. We should remember the people who died, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons.
We need to remember emergency workers who died saving and trying to save lives.
I have been to ground zero and taught Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in a building 3 blocks from the site. The building and the room we held the class in was used as a triage site and a morgue. New Yorkers were in the class.
What needs to be remembered are all of the simple preventable actions and mistakes that were made before and during attack.
You won't hear much about these issues, the media likes to present the heroic efforts - AFTER the attack. These are the stories told. You see it again and again after the bridge collapse in Minnesota, the hero's at the scene......does anyone know the name of the engineering firm who ok'd the bridge? Does anyone know who signed off on the reports? You won't hear about this. What about the mine disaster......hero stories everywhere, but no talk of the preventable causes and shirked responsibilities.
In 911 the mistakes were many, from ill conceived evacuation plans, to insufficient training and testing of emergency responses, to failing communications equipment. The list is long.
Today is a day to remember those lost, and tomorrow is a day you should consider what your leadership will be in protecting your mothers, fathers, son & daughters, brothers and sisters working for you.
Identify your risks and take prudent action to prepare.....it does not cost anymore to get it right than is does to get it wrong.
Ross McLean
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