One of the benefits of doing Business Continuity Planning is that it causes managers, who make decisions typically in silo's to rethink their priorities when making decisions.
A decision made in a silo can be disastrous for the business.
A story in a Toronto newspaper today describes a food warehouse that was shut down due to a mouse infestation, they were running rampant in the building, eating food, droppings everywhere, running over the inspectors feet almost.
Now the warehouse is shutdown, there is a food shortage at some of the stores it services where signs had to be posted, and the story has hit the papers, and I am sure the evening news.
In the story, management claims this is the first they have heard of the problem, and it is an isolated incident.
Are you telling me that no-one who worked there saw it? When they did see it that it was not brought to managements attention? That management did not correct the problem?
My guess is, local management had a choice to make, keep costs down to meet siloed goals for operations, rodent control was less important then other considerations.
Now the company has a public relations nightmare on its hands. Yet I am sure, in the silo the decision seemed right, yet at the top level they know that trust and confidence in the food supply chain is crucial to their business.
When managers lose sight of, or have no idea of the corporate goals......decisions like this get made. A manager who had a role in the business continuity program would realize the right decison to make, long before this became a problem.